Thursday, May 10, 2012

date of death , , ,

15hb ----------------------->  culture & learning
16hb ----------------------->  Pets and fish
22hb ----------------------->  Business
23hb ----------------------->  Physical Education
24hb -----------------------> Bahasa Melayu

* dont be like this ok. . .

Doakan smua berjaya, , , Aminnnnn~ huhuhu

Tuesday, May 8, 2012


* Sebelum tamat study ni mesti power men benda alah ni

* kumpul duit nk beli bnda ni harharharhar

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Red Shark IPG Kampus Perlis

* Red Shark Rugby Team telah menyertai pertandingan rugby di IPG Kampus Dato Razali Ismail pada 20-21 April 2012. Bole dikatakan yang pg ni 2nd team la sbb rmi dari oldtymer ad y injured n ad y pg bt BIG. Walaupun team ni baru 2bulan je traninig tp smua berjaya menunjukkan smgt y tinggi * ceeewwwaaahhh ^^

                                               * OTW nk ke Kampus Dato Razali Ismail Terengganu

* shuk mkn di kedai pok beng tea 'o' 50sen... mengimbau kenangan mak nye dia dlu y belajo di KDRI

* game menentang IPRM, it our game but there no luck :(

* kami da try da tyme ni 2x, tp referi x sah kan sebab ref pon duduk jao =.= 'frust'

* coach said : we can do it, u guys must stick to the plan..remember, our game yaw!

* selesai suda game n kami kalah dgn IPRM...

-Note----> walaupon kami kalah, tp game ni sgt bermkna utk kmngan akn dtg.... 
"RED SHARK will always come back with a new wave"